Hello my follow sailors.
Season 4 was Announced on August the frist (August 1, 2016 )
TNT first ordered 13 more episodes to come next summer. (edit) Later shorten to 10 episodes with the announcement of Season 5
EDIT: The September 8, 2016 TNT announced Season 5 of The Last Ship
With the announcement TNT also announced that both seasons(4 & 5) would get 10 episodes each
WHAT I THINK: I think that a new Season can be good and bad Sometiems when TV Series lives to long they get bad or to equally I hope this doesn't happend to The Last Ship.
I thought we could need a place to discuss the next Season So here we go
Im not that big a writer so more will you not get from me
NOTE: I'm not responsible for bad jokes
With best regards