So no planes can fly due to the computer virus? Go to Arizona and activate some F4 Phantoms. no computers needed. plus ships looked damaged, not sunk. Surely a few can be repaired. how stupid to have the entire navy in port? What sbout our submarines? Some must be intact. We just gradustdd new officers.
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In the Pilot, we see that former speaker Kelly Geller is the president. She claims that The President died during the Red Flu pandemic and was succeeded by his Vice President who died shortly after. Geller Also died during the pandemic and was eventually succeeded by Jeffrey Michener. When Michener was assassinated he was succeeded by Howard Oliver. In the show it with Canon that Barack Obama president of the United States but in the motion comics there with the fictional president and VP. Either way if we start 44th president of the order would then go the VP who succeeded him(45), Kelly Geller(46),Jeffrey Michener(47), and Howard Oliver(48). in "Fog of War" President Joshua Reiss Was introduced and he would presumably be the 49th President of the United States.
Heyo everybody.
I just wanted to start a little discussion about how the show is doing.
If you did not know it The Last Ship is not doing well according to the numbers, actually it's doing really bad.
Episode 1 “Phase Six” got 5.33 Million viewers, next episode 2 “Welcome to Gitmo” got 4.65 million this is not that bad, The Last Ship was a new show so people tuned in to see if they liked the new show and after episode 2 the people that did not liked the show turned away.
As say above in episode 2 the fall in numbers was not that bad.
All episodes in season (expect from episode 1) was between 4.06 and 4.65 millions viewers. Season 1 got an average of 4.43 millions viewers. Pretty stable numbers.
Season 2 comes along and the viewers drop to 2.94 millions viewers, with a average of 2.91 millions viewers per episode, that's a drop of 1.52 millions. The trend continues in Season 3 and Season 4 were the average views per episodes drops to 2.23 and 1,53 millions views.
The last episode of Season 4 actually hit a all time low at 1.20 million viewers.
So what do you think?
Will The Last Ship die with Season 5 or do you believe they continue?
I think that if the trend continues in Season 5 the show will not get renewed for a Season 6. But hey what do i know they renewed the show with two pretty much at ones.