Commander Cobb is the Executive Officer (XO) of the Hayward.
Events of The Last Ship[]
Cobb is first seen serving as the Executive Officer aboard the Hayward under Captain Joseph Meylan's command as they rendezvous with the Nathan James in an attempt to stop Chinese President Peng Wu from committing mass genocide. After Hayward is sunk by a Chinese missile battery, Cobb is rescued and brought aboard the Nathan James along with the rest of the surviving crew. (“Paradise”)
Cobb comes to find Meylan when it is time to sink the Hayward after they salvage every last piece of useable equipment to repair the Nathan James and attends a meeting with the senior leadership of Nathan James and Hayward. Cobb is the med bay with Meylan trying to comfort one of his injured sailors when Comm. Andrea Garnett hands him a message from the White House. When Meylan has Chandler arrested for treason and relieves Slattery of command per the order he was given, Cobb takes over as Executive Officer of the Nathan James.
Meylan orders Cobb to have the pirates Chandler made a deal with arrested for stealing their food. Chandler asks to be court-martialed aboard the ship and Cobb helps Meylan prepare the case. When she can't find a record of Michener's transmission to Chandler regarding the break-in at Chinese President Peng Wu's mansion and Meylan tells her it doesn't exist, Cobb says this case is a mess. When a fight breaks out between the rival crews in the mess hall, Cobb calls for the Master-At-Arms to help break it up. At the court-martial Chandler makes an opening statement before his allies arrive to arrest Meylan and his allies, including Cobb. (“Scuttle”)
Cobb is on the bridge of the Nathan James and is confused when they receive a communication asking them to turn over Chandler to General Bradley of the "California United Forces", wondering what army that is supposed to be. Cobb expresses shock that the regional leaders have completely dismantled America's Armed Forces. After they form a plan of attack, Chandler reads a quote and Cobb asks if that is "Von Clausewitz" and Slattery replies its "Thomas W. Chandler". After they arrest Manuel Castillo and get his army to surrender and join them, Cobb shakes President Howard Oliver's hand onboard the Nathan James. (“Resistance”)