Doctor Hamada is Amy Granderson's chief scientist at Avocet who was charged with developing a cure for the Red Flu while killing the sick.
Motion Book[]
Hamada first appeared talking with Amy Granderson about the ongoing violence due to people's fear about the Red Flu. Hamada comments that the overflowing amount of people arriving is straining their water supply and the violence is only escalating because the police are outnumbered. Hamada asks what the government is doing with Granderson responding that it is barely functioning at this point.
Hamada eventually discovers someone added a human gene to the virus, making it more contagious and deadly then it was before and tells Granderson. After Amy speaks with Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Jeffrey Michener, Granderson tells Hamada Thorwald that they are the government from now on.
Hamada and Amy eventually decide to turn Olympia into a camp to invite infected people to be killed and use their bodies as fuel to produce electricity while keeping a select few safe to restore the government and the human race altogether. They are interrupted by Thorwald while discussing how to determine who could be trusted to guard the facility.
Hamada tells Thorwald they are working on a new serum to potentially extend the life of people infected with the Red Flu. When Thorwald leaves, Granderson says that in order to keep the project safe they will kill anyone who opposes it while Hamada objects, stating that it is not who we are. Granderson tells Hamada it needs to be them if humanity is going to survive this plague. When Thorwald eventually figures out what is going on at Olympia, he kidnaps Hamada and the other scientists to try and overthrow Amy with his cop friends. Norris and his state troopers arrive to stop him and they open fire on each other, which allows Hamada to escape in the confusion.
Events of The Last Ship[]
Season 1[]
Hamada is working with his team in the Avocet Lab when he notices a woman holding a CDC case, realizing it is Dr. Rachel Scott back from the Nathan James with the vaccine. He begins clapping and the rest of his staff soon follows and they begin working with her to help reproduce it. Dr. Scott later confronts Hamanda when she realizes he developed a drug cocktail they had been using to kill the sick while disguising it as a treatment that will prolong their lives. (“No Place Like Home”)
Season 2[]
After the state troopers secure the Nathan James, he orders them to find the primordial strain of the Red Flu and to strip the lab of everything related to the virus. When they can't find the primordial in the lab, Hamada orders them to search the entire ship. When they fail to find it anywhere on the ship, Hamada chastises Norris for not securing the lab first as they can't recreate the cure without it. After Dr. Quincy Tophet chooses to die of his injuries rather than give up the primordial, Hamada goes over all of Dr. Scott's research in her lab frantically searching for anything that could help them.
Hamada discovers Lt. Kara Foster is pregnant and has Norris contact Granderson. Hamada tells her he can recreate the cure if he harvests the unborn baby's stem cells and Granderson gives him permission to proceed. Hamada has Foster forcibly escorted back to Avocet under armed guard and leads her to a medical room to harvest her baby's stem cells. Foster frantically struggles to free herself before she is strapped to a medical table while Hamada prepares for surgery. When Foster won't stop screaming, Hamada stuffs a gag in her mouth and tells her that if she wants at least one of them to survive he needs her to hold still as he hasn't performed surgery since medical school. (“Unreal City”)
Once Hamada finds the baby using an ultrasound he has the nurse bring him a needle to begin the procedure. Hamada then slowly starts to move the needle to Lt. Foster's abdomen while looking at the ultrasound to see where he is going. But before he can commence the procedure the power inexplicably goes out. Hamada hears over the radio that the power plant was attacked and orders the nurse to grab a lamp so they can finish the operation after one of the guards leaves to get the power plant back online. While Hamada isn't looking, the nurse frees one of Foster's hands and when Hamada turns back around, Kara stabs him in the chest with the same needle he was going to use on her. Moments later, she is rescued by Tex Nolan and Rachel Scott. (“Fight the Ship”)