Jimmy is an Avocet security guard, formerly a Baltimore PD officer who used to be friends with Andrew Thorwald.
Motion Book[]
After Thorwald discovers what Granderson is doing at Olympia he gathers his cop friends, including Jimmy and forms a plan to overthrow Granderson by kidnapping Dr. Hamada and her other scientists running Olympia as bargaining chips. But when Norris and his state troopers stop them, Thorwald decides to retreat with his friends, but Jimmy stays because he has a wife and daughter in Avocet and Thorwald warns him that the next time he sees him he won't go easy on him.
Events of The Last Ship[]
When Thorwald's men infiltrate Avocet with help from the Nathan James's crew, Jimmy fights back against them. Jimmy eventually runs into Thorwald again and he tries to get Jimmy to join him again. Jimmy simply says Thorwald still doesn't get it and raises his gun just as Thorwald shoots and kills Jimmy. (“Fight the Ship”)