President Joshua Reiss is the 49th President of the United States, succeeding Howard Oliver after the Red Rust famine. Reiss serves as the commander-in-chief during the war with the Gran Colombian Empire.
Events of The Last Ship[]
He is first seen on TV comdemming the actions of Gran Colombia and later declaring war on the country. (“Fog of War”)
After Tom Chandler leaves the United States Southern Command to return to the Nathan James, president Reiss arrives at the command expressing frustration that he had not been informed about the Nathan James still being active and the coded messages sent between the ship and the command. Despite feeling that he could fire everyone in the conference room, he agrees that the fight against Gran Colombia must continue.
Later in the cafeteria at the command, he talks to Russ Jeter about Chandler. He mentions that people had wanted Chandler to run for president, but that he refused to. He also tells Jeter that Chandler is tired having not worked with the navy for almost three years. The last thing he says, is that he thinks the country could not afford to lose Chandler. (“El Puente”)
He is seen on the news, explaining the stalemate between the U.S and Gran Colombia at the tropic of cancer before statements from Tom Chandler, Russ Jeter, Don Kinkaid, Anita DuFine and Joseph Meylan are made.
He is next seen in a meeting room discussing the extraction mission of Gustavo Barros' war chief strategist Manuel Montano. Chandler suggets he can lead the mission, something the president discusses with him in private. He expressed to Chandler that it is too dangerous for him to go, and that he is more the symbol of the American war effort, though despite this, Chandler still leads the mission.
President Reiss is lastly seen on TV, expressing praise for the soldiers and the risk they take by participating in the war effort. (“Warriors”)
President Reiss is present at the Southern Command in a briefing room where he asks Joseph Meylan what their chances of a safe mission in Cuba would be given the pro-Gran Colombia supporters and resistance members. He also expresses concern of whether or not El Gallo is trustworthy. Meylan replies that he thinks their chances in Cuba are at 6 out of 10. President Reiss subsequently accepts the mission and let it go into play. (“Air Drop”)
He is present at the Southern Command asking for the status of the mission in Cuba to take down Camp X, in which he is informed that the troops are still active. He also questions what role the Nathan James has in it all, and gets the answer that the ship serves as back-up. (“Somos la Sangre”)
He is in the presidential bunker at the Southern Command when Octavio de la Paz and his troops raid the command. Octavio demands that he come out, which he eventually does, and is held hostage alongside everyone else in the building who survived. He is then put in front of a TV camera and ordered to confess to what he had done to South America and the lies he told the American people. President Reiss does not give into these demands before a rope from above is tied around his neck, and he is pulled up briefley before he decides to confess, now almost in tears. Octavio lets him go, and orders one of his men to escort him to the roof to be evacuated by helicopter. When Octavio's plan turns soar, he knocks out the remote from the soldier's hands before fleeing to the helicopter. Meylan arrives on the rooftop and kills the soldier before following the president to the helicopter. Octavio arrives at the rooftop just as they have reached the helicopter. He aims for the president, but Meylan shields him, getting shot himself instead. Just as Octavio lowers his gun, he is shot by Slattery who has also arrived on the rooftop. President Reiss holds Meylan in his arms before he dies.
Following the hostage situation at the Southern Command, president Reiss arrives downstairs to pay tribute to the ones that where killed in the attack. He looks at the remaining staff who survived, without saying a word. (“Honor”)