The Last Ship Wiki
No Place Like Home
The Last Ship Season 1 Episode 10
Season 1, Episode 10
Written by: Steven Kane
Directed by: Brad Turner
Running time: 42 minutes
Original airdate: August 24, 2014
Nielsen rating: 18-49 rating:
Viewers (million):
Unreal City

Chandler and his crew finally return home, where a former D.C. power player is fending off a dangerous warlord who threatens her hopes of restoring law and order in society. Now with a location and a means to finalize their mission, Chandler sets out to save his dying family, only to discover something absolutely terrifying about this brave new world.


Jed Chandler radios on an open channel, hoping someone will hear him. He, Darien, and the kids are all sick.

Meanwhile, on the USS Nathan James, the crew gets immunized against the virus as they head for home. Dr. Rachel Scott has around 50 - 60 extra doses that can be used to immunize the well or even cure the sick if they're not too far gone. Rachel sates that they still have so much more to do, but Chandler encourages her to take a moment to enjoy her victory. He rolls up his sleeve so she can give him the cure.

In his bunk, Tex kicks himself for pouring his heart out to Dr. Scott, even though he had a 104 degree fever at the time. Talking to no one but Halsey, Danny Green's dog.

The crew assembles so XO Mike Slattery can brief them, they're trying to reach Fort Dietrich so they can stop and manufacture more of the vaccine, but so far they haven't been able to reach the army base. CMC Russ Jeter prepares the crew for the possibility that as they pass by their home of Norfolk they might pick up stray radio signals, or even phone calls from loved ones if the power has been restored.

As they approach the coastline, the crew stands on the deck, holding their phones aloft, searching for signals. In comms, Lt. Kara Foster warns that a satellite is about to pass overhead. They want to tap in to try to get a look at the path to the fort. Rachel asks Scott why they don't just send a drone and Chandler explains that they used all the fuel looking for him and Tex in the water.

The satellite gets into range. They zoom in and see the freeway jam packed with cars, all leaving from a mass evacuation. There is a giant painted red x on the ground in front of a building and they assume that it means the infection is in that location. When they are over Fort Dietrich, they see that the lab has been completely destroyed but nothing else on the base was burned. It was targeted.

Jed Chandler pulls up to a road block with Darien and kids in the car, stating they need to get to Olympia for help. The man at the crossing won't let them pass and tells them Olympia can't help them. Jed backs up, then guns it and blasts through the roadblock. The mysterious man who Darien saw in town, tells his man to let the car pass, figuring its occupants will all be dead soon anyway.

Aboard the Nathan James, Comms Officer Will Mason gets Chandler and Slattery to listen to a broadcast loop in which a woman addresses the USS Nathan James and says they're aware of their mission and may have the supplies they need. It directs them to a channel and Mason hails them. They agree to head to Baltimore, like the broadcast mentioned.

Stopped on the road, Jed Chandler hears the same broadcast and reasons that it means Tom is still alive and people are waiting for him. He tries to reassure Darien, stating that Tommy's still out there, but she is too sick to even understand.

On the ship, Dr. Scott finds Kelly and Quincy's daughter Ava waiting in the hall while they argue inside. Later, Quincy tells Dr. Scott that his wife can't forgive him for what he put them through. Rachel suggests maybe they'll be able to start again when they make land.

Mason pulls up a video call from Amy Granderson, the Vice Chair of the President's Policy Board, and mother of Lt. Alisha Granderson. She knew about their mission and had Alisha transferred to the ship. She tells Chandler she was invited to the presidential bunker, but declined and it saved her life. She tells Chandler the government is mostly gone, and that the white house has gone dark because there is no one at the bunker answering, but she's been working with police to create safe zones. Chandler tells her they can be in Baltimore in a matter of hours, then he brings in Alisha to let her talk to her mom.

Meanwhile, the mystery man gets word of the intercepted transmission about a ship coming in to port in Baltimore. They know Granderson will sending greeting party. His group makes plans to watch over the situation. In port, Danny Green leads a RHIB (Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat) team on land to check things out. Slattery and Chandler watch from the Nathan James as two black SUVs pull up. Local state troopers get out and introduce themselves as the mystery man and his people watch from sniper position. Tom Chandler, Tex and Dr. Scott come on the next RHIB and shake hands. A third SUV pulls up and Granderson comes out to hug her daughter. The mysterious man orders his second to take the shot at Granderson, but she's blocked. Knowing they have one shot, he waits, hoping to get her, but she makes it safely back to her car.

In the cars, the crew of the Nathan James sees the misery and destitution of the world, with people stumbling in the streets, carrying their belongings in suitcases. The cars pull up to a glistening corporate HQ Avocet. Granderson explains they're far enough away from the city to avoid infection and it's near a coal fired plant. She tells them warlords have killed more people than the virus lately, they even tried to steal the original Constitution. Chandler breaks the great news about the cure and vaccine.

Lt. Pete Norris briefs Slattery on the head of a group of Warlords named Thorwald, a former police officer. Slattery asks about the Deer Park safe zone, where his wife was heading. Norris tells him there was fighting there, but there are survivors. Granderson shows Dr. Scott to the lab, where she gets a round of applause from all the scientists who have been working on trying to find a vaccine.

Thorwald's second brings word from his mole in Avocet that the crew of the Nathan James brought a cure. He worries that means Granderson will be able to spread out and take over the city. They want to take the cure, and the lab.

Back at the HQ, Chandler heads to the radio room to try to reach his father. He broadcasts, but hears nothing.

Tex drops by the lab to say good-bye to Dr. Scott. She's shocked he's going to leave by himself, but he says he has "things to take care of." She mentions the young girl in his locket. She sticks out his hand for him to shake. He tells her she's a special woman and walks away, but decides to go for it. He kisses her, then walks away.

Chandler keeps trying to reach his dad and finally hears a weak voice back, and a hacking cough. Jed tells him they're heading for Olympia. When Chandler asks him what's nearby, members of Avocet recognize the name of a truck stop downtown. Granderson lends him men and trucks to race there. Chandler has four vials of the cure.

They pull up to the truck stop and Chandler sees a sick man cradling his father's radio. When Chandler demands to know where the man he got it from went, he says it's his now. Chandler demands to know where the man he got it from went and the sick man shots Olympia. Chandler is ready to charge back in the car and head there, but their state trooper escorts tell them Olympia is for sick people and is off-limits. Chandler doesn't care, since they've had the cure and are now immune. The troopers shout him down and draw on Chandler, Lt. Green, Burk, and Jeter. Chandler tries to diffuse the situation, but Burk fires when a trooper aims at Chandler. The navy men easily take out the majority of the troopers, but one escapes in a vehicle. Jeter is shot in the arm during the struggle. Chandler puts Jeter in a car with Green and orders them back to the ship. He tells them to find a way for the people at Avocet to get to the ship because they're leaving Baltimore. Chandler and Burk stay behind to join the huddled masses walking to the Olympia stadium.

Back at HQ, Amy Granderson calmly receives news and tells her daughter that everything is fine. Alisha tells her mother she wants to look for her girlfriend, Sara, but her mom makes a pointed statement about her "friend" being in Wisconsin and that there is no way to reach there. Amy asks Alisha what kind of a man Chandler is. Alisha states that they wouldn't have gotten through the situation dealing with the virus without him. Amy, however, wants to make sure that he hasn't let himself get too powerful and if Chandler will still follow orders. Alisha asks her mother who would be giving the orders and then questions what is going on.

In the lab, Dr. Scott reviews the work of Dr. Hamada. She goes to Dr. Neustadter and asks him about the treatment protocol, when Hamada steps in and asks what is going on. She points out that his dosages would be actually be highly toxic and not help the sick people at all. Dr. Neustadter looks surprised at this information, but Hamada just stares back at her, obviously fully aware of this information.

Meanwhile, people, both healthy and sick, pour into Olympia stadium in droves. Chandler and Burk enter, avoiding the people in charge, and go looking around for Chandler's family. People with gas masks usher the public in and tell them to move to the inside of the stadium so they can be seen. PSick and healthy people meander around the floor of the area, being shown to beds or getting in line. Chandler hears his daughter Ashley calling out to him. He runs to his kids and is injecting them with the cure as he demands to know where his wife is from his father. Jed breaks the news to his son that Darien's dead.

Meanwhile, on the ship, Lt. Norris is looking around the bridge when he suddenly pulls a gun and shoots a crew member to get Slattery's attention. He tells Slattery he's taking over the ship. He demands that Slattery drop anchor and to get on the ships intercom and tell everyone to meet outside the helo bay. If he doesn't, then Norris will kill off the crew one by one. Slattery is in no mind to cooperate and they all shout waiting for someone to make a move. Quincy Tophet rushes Norris and gets shot in the gut for his troubles.

At HQ, Amy Granderson injects herself with the vaccine. Dr. Scott comes to see her, furious about what they're doing to the sick. As Granderson coolly tells her that there are people who would use the crisis to take what does not belong to them. Green is driving wounded Jeter back to the ship, Tex walking around town by himself with his machine gun, and "bad guy" Thorwold walking through a refuge where he's providing people with food and shelter.

Granderson tells Dr. Scott: "It is my duty to help the right people first."

Scott realizes Granderson gathered an "elite few" in her HQ and left the rest to die. Granderson states that since the virus doesn't discriminate, then she has to be the one who discriminates for the human race.

In the Olympia stadium, Chandler goes behind a cordoned off area and sees the people in masks injecting people, who are dying in front of him. He realizes what's happening and starts shouting that they're killing them. He hears gunshot and Burk comes to say they have to leave. Chandler, Burk, Jed and the kids rush outside, where they see trucks carrying heaps of dead bodies heading to the coal plant. Burk states that he doesn't understand, and Chandler explains that they're burning the bodies to power the city.

Back at HQ, Alisha Granderson is brought in by police after trying to escape. She tells Dr. Scott she had no idea what was going on there. Dr. Scott points out that they won't be able to replicate her vaccine with the dosages she brought, everything they need is on the ship and Chandler will never give that up. Granderson states she'll take care of the Captain.

Chandler tries to radio the ship but can't get through. Aboard the Nathan James, the crew musters on the bridge in the dark. Slattery hears Chandler's broadcast on the ship, but with Norris holding him at gunpoint he is unable to answer.

(Original summary from IMDB[1]. It has been edited and expanded to fit this page.)




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